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Radermachera Summerscent is one of the most versatile plants to become available. Originating from southern China, Summerscent has lush, glossy, compact foliage. Clusters of white to pale pink scented flowers bloom profusely throughout the warmer months. A perfect plant for hedging or screens as it responds well to pruning and adds a tropical feel to the garden. Summerscent grows well in full sun and shade as well as indoors if kept in a well lit position. Water well until established. Once established, Summerscent is drought, sun and cold tolerant, but can be frost tender when young. Fertilise in Spring and late Summer with a balanced slow release fertiliser. Radermachera Summerscent grows to a height of up to 3 metres and width of 2 -3 metres.


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Radermachera Summerscent for sale in Perth. Buy Radermachera Summerscent online now! Cheap plants Perth.

Radermachera Summerscent

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